

Teaching methods

The teaching program is formed by modern methods applied for learning languages. The lessons are interesting and fun for the students.

In the preparation of curricula are applied several methods and concepts with one purpose, the learning to be interesting and the students to have fun while learning the Macedonian language.

The teaching is consisted from 4 components;
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Communication

The first and the second component are covered through multimedia lessons, which contain materials in form of text, video, audio.

The third component is covered by tasks, exercises, tests and communication with the teacher in writing form.

The fourth component is covered by teaching in a multimedia classroom in which the students and the teacher have direct audio and video communication. Through the teaching concept for learning the Macedonian language, the students also are introduced to the history of Macedonia, natural resources, cultural monuments etc.

Method of mentoring
The teaching is conducted according to the principle of mentoring applied in developed countries.

The principle of mentoring means that the teacher:
  • Pays Individual attention for each and every student as he advances in the study of the Macedonian language;
  • Pays special attention to the student when he has a problem with some of the material, so he can overcome it in the easiest way. If necessary, outside of the frames of the predicted classes;
  • The teacher is fulfilling the classes with interesting content to motivate the students to learn the Macedonian language on successful and fun way;
  • The main task of the teacher is the students to learn the Macedonian language. The teaching staff continually is train to perform online teaching according to modern teaching methods.

Multimedia in learning
Multimedia message is display composed of one or more elements - text, image, video, animation, speech and music. According to the known theories of the educational process, the students easiest and fastest accepted new knowledge by applying the method of multimedia learning, and in this way they can preserve the learned a longest time. Specifically, the students through multimedia learning simultaneously besides watching and reading a text, they hear it, and see images related to the text. In this way the students remember the information more easily.

The group
Each group is consisted of a maximum of ten students. After the enroll in the school, each student receives a group and teacher. The student gets a few terms for attending classes and can choose the term that suits him, after that he receives a password through which he can access the multimedia classroom, the library, the calendar with scheduled classes that are held in the multimedia classroom with the teacher, in e-Learning software, contact with the teacher via email.

Classes in a multimedia classroom;
Once the student enrolls he receives a timetable for the classes in the multimedia classroom. The curriculum provides one hour per week, lasting 50 to 60 minutes. The classes will be conducted during the school year. During the school vacations and holidays, there will be no classes. In the multimedia classroom, the teacher and the students have audio and video contact and interactive communication. The teacher has full control over the course of the classes. The teacher allows the students to talk, ask questions, and when they wish to speak can ask permission by clicking the appropriate button which means lifting a hand. Students on the monitor of their computer can follow what the teacher writes on the digital dashboard; can track presentations that are displaying. Also with permission of the teacher the students can write through his computer on the digital board that is part of the multimedia classroom.

Влез во мултимедијалната училница:

Ученикот со добиената лозинката се логира на веб страната на „Учи македонски онлајн“ и потоа влегува во распоредот со закажани часови. Пред почетокот на часот со еден клик врз „Влези во училница“ ќе биде во мултимедијалната училницата.

При запишувањето, секој ученик добива и упатство за користење на алатките во мултимедијалната училница и Е-Learning софтверот.

Interactive learning 24/7;
The enrolled students with the password that they receive can log in e-Learning software.

Technical tools for monitoring online teaching;
For successfully attending the classes, the student needs a computer connected to a standard Internet connection, speaker, microphone and camera. To follow online classes is needed average knowledge of computer and internet. This knowledge the students are applying in everyday spending on the computer due to their commitments related to regular education, and entertainment. Students attend the classes from home, no need to travel to a specific building / room and to be accompanied by their parents.

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